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insightful Listening

increase productivity and engagement.

stress management

Reduce stress and improve wellbeing

Team Re-Alignment

Re-focus and re-energise your team

You don't know, what you don't know

unconscious bias 101

Help people eliminate unconscious bias

"Difficult" People

Increase harmony and understanding

Creating Headspace

Make space for inspiration & problem solving

Top Picks for Success this Summer

The Art of Listening

Listening is the hidden “super power” of many extremely successful sales people and entrepreneurs.

Learn more about increasing effectiveness, productivity and engagement; with a tuned in team.

Unconscious Bias 101

Unlock and understand the hidden rules and conditions that affect decision making.

Learn to recognise and self regulate the unconscious bias that has developed over a lifetime.

Some Very Happy Customers

Deepen Connections

Insightful Listening

Most people listen with the intent to respond, rather than the intent to understand.

We are listening to validate our opinion, rather than to learn something new.

In doing so we miss the essence of the communication and fail to connect on a meaningful level

Help your people to engage all their senses, listen like a ninja,  connect and resonate with others, including your customers.

Who are you talking to?

Speak to the person, not the problem 

Stress Management

It’s easy to be caught up in the flurry of demands. We often think we need more time, or more resource.

In truth, we need to take a step back, see the issues, observe the chaos. We need to think laterally.

When under  continual stress we cannot work to full capacity and our ability to think clearly is blocked.

Help your team to have tools and resources to understand and manage the demands and requirements of the super fast world we operate in. Help them to do more,  in less time, with more enjoyment.

Be curious about choice origins

Unmask preconceptions in your decisions

Want an all Encompassing Leadership Solution?

Click the globe & read about Heart Centred Leadership

Unconscious Bias 101

We are wired and programmed from the moment we are born; and up until aged 7 all the “hard wiring” is totally unconscious.

We then spend decades building on that “wiring” through our interactions, experiences, books, news & general observations of life, both conscious and unconscious.

Help your team to recognise and rewire some of the unhelpful or undesired rules and biases they have running in their mind, and body.

You only know, when you know, and only then can you make changes.

Difficult People

People make mistakes and act out of character. Particularly now, in this uncertain environment.

People also pick up on the energy and vibe we are giving out, and respond in kind.

What we need to do is break the pattern and open up doors to new behaviour.

Help your team to understand and recognise old grudges and anger; and deal with issues at the time without unhealthy and counter productive residue.  

Let compassion and understanding start dissolving the “difficult” people into “people”. 

Responses determine reactions

You’re not responsible for someones behaviour;

just your response to it.

Creating Headspace

We are the most complex and inventive of all species.

We tend to narrow our focus however and restrict our potential. We limit what we can see.

Help your team to broaden their perspective. To learn to manage the “space” in their mind.

This will open up not just creativity and connection but also reduce stress, as a natural by product.

Once you’ve seen the panoramic view, you understand that your view is only part of the entire picture.

Team Re-Alignment

Help your team to re-align and re-adjust to the new roles, responsibilities and focus required in 2021.

Help each person to understand the entire picture and to see their vital role in it’s creation.

Let people talk through the obstacles, the misunderstandings, the additional needs and more importantly the fear that change can hold.

Help your team to understand each other better; and work in a cohesive and productive way, with unity of purpose and clarity in direction.

Some unexpected skills and collaboration are likely to reveal themselves too.

We are all infinite potential

Thoughts can create limitation or abundance

Reveal how this will benefit you