Growth | Connection | Relationships
Growing mental resilience & emotional stamina.
Teaching acceptance of self & deeper connection to others.
Training in managing relationships from understanding, not ego.
We often invest in intellectual advancement but psychological investment contains the gold.
When we truly connect we see things very differently, life is never personal.
Our relationships can guide us to self improvement and letting go of judgement.
Rebuild from 2020/21 with integrity
Put love in the board room
Bring humanity to the balance sheet
Interested in Heart Centred Leadership?
When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change
Dr Wayne Dyer Tweet
One to One
1-2-1 personal coaching packages
Tailored courses & workshops
Re-focus and re-energise your team
Regular activity to promote wellbeing
Professional advice on tricky issues
Group Calls
Coffee room chats with wisdom and trust
We are wired for change and progression;
our creativity accelerates once we accept our truth.
Be driven by inspiration, not desperation. Look at life with curiosity, not fear.
Kate Windebank Tweet
Learn to truly see a person, rather than your judgement or opinion of them.
Kate Windebank Tweet
Connection is vital for true communication; to engage with trust and understanding.
Connection requires authenticity, awareness and understanding, else the true message is lost.
Our relationships improve once we see our ego; and accept our true nature.
When we truly listen, we can learn to forgive. But we must forgive ourselves first.
Some Very Happy Customers

Courses | Workshops | Programs | Retreats
insightful Listening
increase productivity and engagement.
stress management
Reduce stress and improve wellbeing
Team Re-Alignment
Re-focus and re-energise your team

unconscious bias 101
Help people eliminate unconscious bias
"Difficult" People
Increase harmony and understanding
Creating Headspace
Make space for inspiration & problem solving